It may be time to rethink your business in China.
Sales & Business Process Outsourcing
A Better Way to Do Business in China
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is outsourcing certain business activities to increase efficiency and reduce costs. BPO often involves repetitive processes like payroll, human resources, and accounting. What we do is more aptly described as Critical Business Activity Outsourcing or BPO on steroids. Instead of repetitive processes, we manage our clients’ sales and other essential activities in China, ones that require critical thinking and decision-making. Rather than being supplemental, we are instrumental in making your China business work. Deploying our experience and resources, working with you, we do business faster, better, and for less cost than if you do it alone. No matter your challenge, it may be time to rethink your approach to business in China.
Contact us today to learn more.

Challenges used to be fun
Are you looking to expand your business in China but feeling daunted by the challenges? If so, you’re not alone. For western companies, navigating the complex landscape of Chinese commerce can be frustrating and often fruitless. Whether going it alone or enlisting a Chinese partner, more often than not, companies fail to achieve objectives. Now, intense Chinese competition, trade wars, pandemics, and a deteriorating geopolitical environment have only increased risk and made finding success even more elusive. So with all the ups, downs, twists, and turns of business in China, why not explore an alternative way to conduct business in China?
One thing is sure: successful companies have experienced and professional people working for and not against them. However, finding such people and building a team requires time, money, and risk-taking, not to mention a hefty dose of China experience and management time. And without a dependable team, you can bet your returns will not be worth the time and money invested.
Our outsourced business support regimen provides everything you need to reliably sell or execute other critical business activities without constantly being in China. Working through us, your company can achieve the desired results while enjoying increased flexibility and reduced risk as you await the next black swan to fly into your world. So, rethink how you sell or conduct your business here instead of giving up on China.
Contact us to learn how we can help you overcome the challenges of selling and doing business in China.
Business Jeopardy - China Edition
Round 1: The answer is …
- Traversing the China business learning curve
- Securing budget to meet investment requirements
- Choosing a Chinese business structure and location
- Complying with Chinese laws
- Interpreting ever-changing Chinese government policies
- Staying on schedule for set up and operation
- Finding, vetting, hiring reliable local managers
- Understanding and confirming your market opportunity
- Driving sales and BD for long-term viability
- Implementing effective controls to ensure accountability
- Understanding and mitigating risks
And the question is … ?
What must western companies face when doing business in China?
Did you answer correctly? Remember – Everything is possible in China but nothing is easy.

Gamble no longer – Contact us to learn how we can help you to get your business on track in China.