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231 East 22nd Street, Suite 23 New York NY 10010

Email: [email protected]
Fax: +88 (0) 202 0000 001

Time-Proven China Sales Support

Advise, Execute, Optimize

Better planning, better people, better sales

Since 2003

China Sales Incubator

Fast safe way to establish a sales presence and build sustainable sales in China, less the risk of having to invest in a Chinese entity. Program has generated millions of dollars in sales for western clients, preparing each for setting up an entity in China. Learn more…

China Sales Explorer

In lieu of time-sensitive market research, we will provide fast actionable feedback from test selling to real Chinese customers. We will not deliver a thick report but rather a clear view of your market and qualified opportunities. Contact us to learn more.

China Sales Tools

Increase your China sales results with our sales recruiting, distributor development, SEM/social marketing, and sales strategy services to name but a few. Why not leverage our experience in lieu of spending money or building your own? Learn more…

What Clients say about our support …

“We had tried to close one “done” China deal for over a year before meeting China Sage Consultants. In short order, their China Sales Incubator had provided us with a good sales engineer, a strategic partner network, and enough sales to cover our costs. During 7 years in the program, China sales grew more than 25% of our global total, which eventually helped us to be acquired.”

– Joe Lomask, President, Buxco Research Systems

Since 2003, a wide variety of small and mid-sized companies have leveraged our cross-industry platform to sell more effectively in the Chinese market. Our sales infrastructure and sales solutions are proven to be fast, effective, and low-cost. The services we offer are based on extensive in-field sales experience and specifically suited for companies seeking to improve results while reducing the risks of doing business in China. Contact us today so we can start helping you rethink the way your company is selling in China.

Put your China sales into a higher gear. Find out how.